Originally, our plan was to use the open-source, self-install version of Archivematica, but certain issues that cropped up made this impossible, considering the resources we had at hand. As a small operation, the archive does not have the resources to really pursue any kind of paid or difficult to use system. A large part of my work during this internship dealt with building digital infrastructure for the archive to utilize in working on digital preservation. Recently I completed an internship at the University of Manitoba’s College of Medicine Archives, working with Medical Archivist Jordan Bass. If you have a similar workflow at your institution, include it in the comments. Many archives don’t have the resources to install software or subscribe to a service such as Archivematica, but still have a mandate to collect and preserve born-digital records. Below is a digital-preservation workflow created by Tyler McNally at the University of Manitoba.
This post is the tenth post in our series on processing digital materials.